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(-- Traditional Virtues of China --)
Filia Virtue
Three Friends in Cold Weather

Filia Virtue

Respecting and taking care of the aged parents is regarded as an obligatory duty in China. Chinese believe that only those who are concerned with and practise filial devotion to their parents would be honest, faithful, and be grateful to others and seek ways to return their kindness. There are many stories which show the filial respect in ancient China. "Taste Fluid Medicine before Serve for Mother" and "Steal Oranges for Mother", are the most famous two of them.

The story of "Taste Fluid Medicine before Serve for Mother" tells us the filial virtue of Han Wendi (emperor of Western Han Dynasty). His mother had been sick for three years, and treated with Chinese herbal medicine - which is water base, boilded liquid medicine. He stayed with her and taking care of her all of time. just before each treatment, Han Wendi always tasted it to ensure it is not too hot or too bitter. Han Wendi was on throne for 24 years. He governed the country with morals, advocated rites and etiquette, and paid great attention to agricultural development. As a result, Western Han became a stable and prosperous society. Their economy was resumed and developed. This period is known as the "Peace and Prosperity During the Reign of Emperors Wen and Jing" in history.

"Stealing Oranges for Mother" is a story of the Three-Kingdom period. A young boy named Lu Ji of only six years old traveled with his father Lu Kang to visit Yuan Shu in Jiujiang. Yuan Shu served them with Oranges. Lu Ji secretly put two oranges in the sleeves of his robe. When he was leaving, unexpectedly, the two oranges came rolling out and fell to the ground. Yuan Shu saw the oranges and laughed, "Little brother, you're my guest today, How come you steal host's oranges?" Lu Ji replied, "Pardon me, my mother likes orange very much. Today I enjoyed these ripe, so sweet, and I could not help taking a few of them back for her." Yuan Shu was impressed by the six-year-old's concern for his mother.

Though there are some parts of imagination in these stories, Chinese are deeply influenced and transformed by these models of filial virtue.

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